Software Development Network Security Cloudflare Zero Trust

Switch between personal and work Cloudflare Warp profiles

A guide to setting up multiple profiles for Cloudflare Warp on a single device

If you are using the Cloudflare Zero Trust or Cloudflare Warp, And you have to switch between your personal and your work Cloudflare account. This article is for setting up a Mac profile for both workspaces.

To do that Cloudflare provide 2 options for macOS,

Option one is using the MDM file that supports multiple OS, the MDM file supports multiple MDM management tools that allow for network installation such as Jamf, Intune, MicroMDM, etc.

Option two is using the .mobileconfig file for the macOS or iOS only. The file will be used to install profiles for your Apple devices. The config is similar to the MDM you can translate to the MDM file for the other OS.

To use the .mobileconfig, follow the steps below.

  1. Create .mobileconfig file

Create .mobileconfig file following the example below and replace the config below with your organization name.

You can also change the display name for more understanding.

Use uuidgen to generate UUID, then replace the PayloadUUID field for the unique profile.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
        <string>Warp Configuration</string>
        <string>Cloudflare Ltd.</string>
    <string>Cloudflare WARP</string>
    <string>Cloudflare, Ltd.</string>
    <false />
  1. Double click to install the profile

or you can go to preferences -> Privacy & Security -> profiles then add your mobileconfog.

install cloudflare profile

  1. After the profile is installed, you might need to restart the Cloudflare Warp client

or you can just restart your machine.

cloudflare profile switch account

Now you can switch between two workspaces.

Follow this link for more information