Software Development Programming Facebook Developer Frontend

Add Facebook comments to a website in 5 minutes

A tutorial to add Facebook comments to a website

Create a Facebook App

before creating the Facebook comments you need to have your Facebook App first if you already have you just skip this step.

  1. Go to

  2. click Add a New App

  3. fill Display Name and Contact Email

  4. click Create App ID

Create a Facebook App

Generate Comments Plugin Code

Generate code and import Facebook SDK from the Facebook developer page

  1. go to

  2. add initial URL at field URL to comment on don’t worry you can change it later

  3. set the width to 100%

  4. set number of posts mean number of posts will show immediately and for other user need to click show more for it

  5. click get code get Facebook comment code

  6. select your app ID you need to use the API for and select language you want for the SDK select your app ID you need to use the API for and select language you want for the SDK

  7. copy these code and drop to your page

  8. change data-herf to your page URL